Friday, March 9, 2012

Which is a better game to get, Fallout 3 or Far Cry 2?

I've been looking at these two games for a while now, and I'm uncertain which one to purchase. I could get Far Cry 2 for $25 or fallout 3 for $35. Both games are for my Xbox 360 which one is better the better value and the overall better game?Which is a better game to get, Fallout 3 or Far Cry 2?
well, really if i had to choose i chose fallaout 3, because farcry 2 is very repetitve yes you can go to one point to another and start a mission, but in my opinion it is a game that could have 15 hours of gameplay it is very tedious, fallout 3 is a huge game over 100 hours of gameplay (yes 100 hours) and you could beat it again to finish 100% and it will last you like 120 hours, i would go for fallout 3.
Fallout 3 with out a question. Far cry 2 gets repetative pretty fast. Fallout 3 is a much bigger world and has much more variety. The game will also last you a lot longer and has much more replay value. Fallout 3 has a lot more personality and tons of places to explore. I have both games and would recommend getting far cry 2 later.Which is a better game to get, Fallout 3 or Far Cry 2?
Fallout 3 definitely bro. I can honestly say that it's one of the best games that I've ever played. I guarantee you if you get it you won't be in the least amount disappointed.
i played and beat fallout 3, it's longer and it has a more in depth storyline, but if you just want to play a quality fps, far cry

fallout 3 is an rpg

hope i helpedWhich is a better game to get, Fallout 3 or Far Cry 2?
fallout 3 will last you much longer, as it's replay value is very high.

story is great, and character customization is very deep
fallout 3
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